NBC News: NY Senate Seat is Filled

NBC News reports that a successor to Hillary Clinton (D-NY) who became Secretary of State just last Wednesday.  They report Kirsten Gillibrand, a representative from upstate New York, was approached by David Patterson to go to the state capitol at 11 ET on Friday.  Prior to this, speculation was intense as Caroline Kennedy dropped out amid declining popularity ratings.  The real score on her prospects for the seat are still conflicting.  Andrew Cuomo was also a front-runner for the seat.

CNN: Caroline Kennedy Withdraws

After vigourously lobbying for the position amid poll numbers increasingly against her, CNN reports and confirms that Caroline Kennedy is withdrawing her bid to replace Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) who was just confirmed as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.  Sources tell CNN that it was because the health of her uncle, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA).  As most of us know, he suffered a seizure during the inaugural lunch.  Also, other sources are pointing that Gov. David Patterson may not select her after all and she may have just decided just save some face. 

Now, Andrew Cuomo is perceived to be the front-runner for Clinton’s seat although some say Patterson still prefers a woman to the said seat.

From CNN: Clinton’s senate seat to be filled in the Coming Week

After Democrats have scrambled to keep their majorities strong following the Blagojovich scandal, there has been another seat still pending – New York. It is indeed the seat vacated by Sen. Hillary Clinton who will become her former rival’s Secretary of State. CNN says that Gov. David Patterson will name an appointment next week. The leading contenders are daughter of a former US President – Caroline Kennedy and the son of a former New York Governor – Andrew Cuomo.

Kennedy has been losing popularity over weeks for the senate seat. However majority have been thinking Patterson will select her anyway. Having said that my problem with Andrew Cuomo is I (or more precisely the people of the Empire state) will probably not forget what his father did as governor.

Rest assured, whoever gets picked makes New York a highly vulnerable Democratic senate seat in 2010 along with Illinois where the appointer has been in question.

Check-out this link for the original source:
