What happened to Obama and the Democrats?

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I think the problem here was that Republicans had a really loud microphone that somehow convinced independents that Obama’s policies are not worth it after all.  While GDP grew for the first time in more than a year, that does not matter.  You have to answer the question “Where are the jobs?”  John Corzine certainly had to answer that well otherwise he would be asking himself “Where is his job?”  And yes, the economy was the top issue even by a plurality of voters.
Sure we can think that this isn’t a referendum on the Obama administration but we frankly know better.  Referendum or not, it does not diminish the psychological impact on the president’s momentum on getting key legislation forward.  To put it in perspective, last year, health care was a winner for Obama but now, after much Republican spinning, a majority are now against how the president is handling the issue of health care.

Virginia Turning Red?

The last time a Republican won a major statewide race was in 2004 when George W Bush won against John Kerry by9 points.  The next few on and off-year cycles has shown how Virginia can at times go out of its conservative roots and back someone blue.

Five years since the last Republican won a major statewide race, we might be in for a reversal.  A new poll in the Washington Post gives Bob McDonnell a 7-point lead over Creigh Deeds for a race to replace Tim Kaine at 47 to 40 percent.  Under the state’s constitution, no governor may serve back-to-back consecutive terms.  This is despite the fact that Tim Kaine is relatively popular with 56% approval to 36% disapproval.  The 2 senators from the Commonwealth also have the majority of respondents approving of them (although Jim Webb just barely).

Does this mean Virginia is turning red?  Hmmm… I think a more appropriate question to ask is if the country as a whole is turning red.  Because not so far in the north east in New Jersey, John Corzine is having a tough fight to keep his seat.  Next year, Chris Dodd is up for re-election and he is also facing an uphill battle.  To make matters more nerve-wracking, these unfavourable numbers are happening in the north east, a region that has been for at least the past 2 decades solidly and reliably Democratic.

And the controversial health care reform bill the President is pushing may not be helping either…