Another Senator Retiring

With 300 days and counting towards the midterm election, Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) decided to retire at the end of his senate term in 2010.  This comes amidst of a potentially tough race for him.  Poll numbers suggest that he could be ousted by a Republican.  Richard Bluementhal is an expected frontrunner.

This is the 2nd democratic announcement in just a few days.  Just yesterday, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) also announced that he would retire.

Asleep at the Switch

With all the outrage on the AIG bonuses, the question is who paved the way for them to be paid-out.

To be honest, I haven’t been this disappointed with Democrats in quite some time.  I am very very disappointed.  They won because a Republican administration was in-charge when the financial crisis erupted.  They ran on a campaign to change the way Washington and even Wall Street does business with the American people.  Now, blame is going around as to why AIG was allowed to continue giving these out.

To make matters worse, remember the auto bailout when they needed to force their unions to make concessions?  Here, it appears that a double standard may exist.  As they say, Wall Street has more friends in Washington than Detroit does.

Obama did a good job saying the buck stops with him.  But when will the buck start?  How much credibility does he nor the Democrats have when they want to ask the taxpayer to spend their money for future stimulus or bailouts?