Roland Burris Not Running

Sen Roland Burris decided not to run to defend his senate seat.  Sources say that this is because he is having trouble raising funds.

If you recall, Burris was at the centre of a controversy as the seat in the Senate he was occupying was subject to a “pay to play” scheme disgraced Illinois ex-Governor Rod Blagojavich instituted.  Burris claimed to do nothing wrong but tapes surfaced otherwirse.

This serves him right.  He lacked integrity from the moment he was introduced to the nation by the disgraced governor.  He even appeared as a laughing stock by prying his way to the senate and lacking prudence at the time.

Burris to be Seated

Senate Democratic leaders finally agree to let Roland Burris seated. This is after the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that the Secretary of State does not have to sign the certificate. Burris is expected to be sworn-in later this week.

I think this is a victory for Blago because of the technicalities. This could have also done in the interest of time to get going on the stimulus package of Obama.

Blago’s appointment (PART 2)

A lot has been said about the credibility and qualifications of Roland Burris. While he is technically qualified and has a lot of his resume, I feel that what should disqualify him is that he flip flopped. Just weeks ago was he condemning Blago’s actions, calling them reprehensible. Now he says he is humbled.

I am already suspicious about Burris. The act of changing his mind makes me think: “Is this someone the people of Illinois can trust?” and “Where does he really stand on Blago?”

Blago has certainly placed Democrats in Springfield and Washington in a tough position.

Blago’s Appointment

B-Rod appointed Roland Burris to succeed Barack Obama in the US Senate. Without questioning Burris’ qualifications, a lot of Democrats are right: they shouldn’t seat anyone appointed by the governor. It may be viewed as a tainted appointment.

Also, didn’t Blago say a few weeks ago that he wouldn’t appoint Obama’s successor?