Ted Kennedy: 1932-2009

Just 2 weeks after another Kennedy has passed, it’s now time for the patriarch of the Kennedy clan to meet his maker. Sen Edward “Ted” Kennedy, passed away at the age  of 77. He was considered one of the liberal lions of the Senate knowing how to make deals with the most conservative members of the chamber he served.  He championed civil rights and voting rights which probably was epitomised by his endorsement of who would be the first African-American President of the United States, Barack Obama.

Coincidentally, his death came 1 year to the day that he gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention that would officially nominate the candidate he endorsed.  Below is a video of the speech he gave last 25 August 2008 at the DNC:

Kennedy will be missed as he gets the respect of President Obama, who called him “one of the greatest Senators of our time.”

Limbaugh: Kennedy Will Be Dead By The Time Theres A Health Care Law

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh is now suggesting Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would have passed by the time a Health Care bill passed.  Invoking the cancer-striken senator, he said “Before it’s all over, it’ll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill.”

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Executive Director Brian Wolff said in aresponse: “Leader Limbaugh minimizes the struggle of hardworking Americans without access to affordable health care and demonizes a patriotic Senator who has spent his life fighting so that every person has the opportunity to live the American dream.

Along with other Democrats and Michael Steele, I found it very outrageous.  Not that the conservative commentator thinks health care reform will take a while but his insensitive comments of suggesting an ill guy dies.